Instrument: Precisionsound - Nordic Low Whistle

Nordic Low Whistle

Precisionsound unveils Nordic Low Whistle, a sampled instrument in many formats like Kontakt, HALion, EXS24 and SF2.

The “Härjedalspipa”, "shepherds flute" called the Nordic Low Whistle, is a Swedish cylindrical flute, build by craftsman Gunnar Stenmark.

This instrument contains 254 24bit mono WAV files
7 programs for Logic EXS24
6 programs for HALion 1.1 and all versions above
6 programs for NI Kontakt 1 and all versions above and 1 extra Kontakt 3 program with added convulsion reverb.
5 programs for SoundFont (16bit) compatible with all samplers supporting the Sf2 format like the free SFZ, Cakewalk Dimension Pro, Reason NN-XT, Ableton Sampler and more.

All articulations are also available as separate programs.

All formats are included when you buy Nordic Low Whistle.

Price: $32.00

"The Nordic Low Whistle has a breathy warm and rich tone" Precisionsound

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