Sequencer: Upland - UplandToys BallSequencer 1.5 / Pc / Free / Donation


Upland releases UplandToys BallSequencer 1.5, a free (donationware) Midi Sequencer VSTi for Windows.
Changes in this version:

- New CC mode: Balls can now send CC messages based on their position in the rectangle. Each ball can transmit two CC messages, one for each axis. In addition, max and min values to be transmitted for each CC can be set up in the CC setup section.
- Extended support for remote control via MIDI CC messages: Root notes and roomsize can now be assigned CCs.
- More flexible CC implementation allows mapping of one CC message to control several parameters.
- Added a randomizer for quickly changing note and velocity mappings.
- Added rendering of trails for balls. This makes it easier to identify the trajectory of each ball, and it looks cool as well :).
- Speed sliders can now be set to zero, allowing for horizontal or vertical movement.
- Single-clicking the note length values now increments (left-click) or decrements (right click) by 250 ms.
- Added a button to mute all notes (while still keeping the balls in motion). Useful if you want to transmit CC messages only.
- Stopping playback would leave hanging notes. Fixed.
- Assigning midi cc's for vertical speed sliders were only possible on row 1. Fixed.
- Some other minor fixes and optimizations.

“BallSequencer is a sequencer VSTi based around the idea of MIDI messages being generated by balls moving around inside a rectangular area. Notes are triggered whenever a ball collides with the boundary of the rectangle.” Upland
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