Filter: Eiosis - E²Deesser 1.1

Eiosis updates their de-essing filter plugin E²Deesser for Mac to version 1.1.
Here are the changes:

- A variable lookahead delay, which allows getting smooth responses and unprecedented processing transparency for a de-esser.
The lookahead value is adjusted according to the detection and latency parameters, while keeping fixed plugin latency for the host automatic delay compensation.
- The sibilants attacks can be then detected without using a low response parameter, i.e. fast attack and release behaviors. Thus you can obtain a smooth and transparent de-essing process

Price: From € 150
Read more about E²Deesser here.

"The E²Deesser is unique in that it allows you to separately process, audition and even route the sibilant and voiced parts of a vocal track: an extremely powerful feature that has been previously unavailable in de-essers." Via
